Enhances physical activity at school.
Promotes students’ motor development.
Satisfy the need to move by offering an active break.
Allow children to be
more focused in class.
Turn travel into an opportunity to move!
Why bet on the Active Corridor ?
The Active Corridor allows students to circulate in a controlled and safe manner in the corridors. In this way, the corridor is no longer a race track, where interventions multiply, but rather a fun motor course for all students. Students are therefore focused on the movements to be performed rather than on nearby peers. The great need to move some children can be satisfied in the Active Corridor. Then, he can return to his class and be more open to learning.
We all know that focus only comes when the need to move is satisfied.
The corridor is no longer a consequence for children who are on the move in class. On the contrary, the Corridor Actif will allow the child to spend his excess energy and thus reintegrate the class in a pleasant and joyful way.